Wealthy Latinas… where building generational wealth is the only goal!

Wealthy Latinas is a coaching and professional development company founded to build more financially independent Latina millionaires. Designed for women seeking to improve their results using high-performance training techniques combined with a money-making and embracing mindset. Wealth comes in many forms and at Wealthy Latinas our favorite is the increase in control over our career paths, time, and autonomy.

Owned and operated by longtime CEO and business leader Irene Quevedo, Wealthy Latinas was founded to fill the gap in leadership and business resources available to women of color. As an author, high-performance trainer, and emboldened public speaker, Irene imparts wisdom and strategy to hungry professionals and evolving businesses.

More on our founder:

Born in Los Angeles, Ca., Irene is an accomplished c-suite executive managing company assets in the millions. An avid traveler, recovering social media groupie, passionate writer, and speaker; Irene thrives como comadre, mama, esposa and so much more! Irene’s greatest asset is her profound desire to connect.

After almost two decades in organizational leadership, Irene branched out to co-found a successful coaching and podcast company, Level Up Latina. With 240+ episodes streaming, check out the podcast available here.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Maybe you’ve decided to become the first in your family to build generational wealth. Whatever your goal Wealthy Latinas can help!

  • Wealth starts first in the mind. Get your thoughts and lifestyle ready for riches.

  • Through interactive workbook lessons, mastermind sessions, and high impact performance training learning the skills to acheiving and maintaining financial independence.


Wealthy + Latina = Get Used To It!

Let’s take back the word wealthy. It does not belong to the 1%. It belongs to all of us. Why? Because a wealthy life is a rich life full of self-confidence, less stress, and more time to do the things you love, on your terms.

What does wealth mean to you? To me, it means endless travel, living by the beach, investing, leading a successful set of companies serving Latinas and college-bound teens, raising happy and healthy children, and so much more!

Wealth is success. It is health. It is freedom. And, it is a generational change beyond your first six-figure year, so reach out and get coached today — prepare to shift your money mindset, and grow your wealthy lifestyle.